Though it's not much out of the ordinary since I've been away at college, I am away from my Mom on Mother's day. The only difference is that this time, I am out of the country. Fortunately, we will have a make-up-Mom's day in less than a week (also typical of the past few years). But for today, I want to take a moment to appreciate probably the most influential woman in my life, my wonderful mother, Babs.

I for one, take it as a huge compliment when people tell me I'm becoming more like my mother. She is one of the most friendly, personable, generous ladies you will ever meet. What I admire most about my mom is her unmatched ability to make people feel appreciated and cared for. For proof just observe how much any of my friends (even those who haven't met her in person!) absolutely adore my mother and love spending time at my house being listened to, supported by, and spoiled rotten by my mom. She always creates a welcoming, warm atmosphere that instantly puts people at ease.
And despite being an incredibly busy, active person between volunteering at schools, sports, bible studies, committees, etc., she manages to have time to help anyone who needs some extra love and support. I know beyond a doubt this was a lesson passed along from her own mother, one of my extraordinary grandmothers.
And besides all that, she is Fun (capital F necessary).

Though admittedly, yes, some of the "fun" of the self-proclaimed Disco Queen has caused my slight (or great) embarrassment in years past, I've grown to appreciate how she can take control of any situation and make it into a hilarious experience. I hope I will always have as much joy and fun in my life as my mom does!
So here's to the best mommy a girl could ask for- I love you so much!
Ciao, your baby girl.