Monday, January 16, 2012

Under the (Freezing) Tucson Sun

Thus far this blog has focused exclusively on my international travels. While these travels are definitely more glitzy, I feel like excluding my American adventures is a mistake. Traveling, even to places that are almost as familiar as home, always results in new insights and adventures. On that note, here are some pictures and stories from my most recent domestic travel adventure- Tucson, Arizona. *All the photos in this entry were taken by my very talented aunt, Dede DeJager*

Holidays in Tucson- A slightly more dangerous Christmas light decorating style...

Tuscon is one of those familiar places for me, full of 22 years of fond memories with my family and Grandma and Grandpa. Even so, this year when I visited Grandma with my wonderful Aunt Dede, I saw a side of Tucson I had never experienced before. This new view of Tucson was mainly due to the freak cold snap that started the day we arrived and ended the day we left. Yup, freezing temperatures for the whole trip. To put this in perspective, the week prior, my cousins had visited and enjoyed some poolside 80 degree sunshine. Despite the chill, my aunt and I had a wonderful time making Southwest Christmas wreaths, hiking in our favorite canyon, and playing cards with Grandma.

Just to prove the cold for those of you who cannot imaging a chilly Arizona- Frost on the golf course
Snow on the Catalinas
And ice on the sandy dessert floor during our hike

Scavenging and Southwest Wreaths
As I mentioned, we made Grandma, Aunt Lizzie and Grandma's dear neighbors Southwest wreaths from materials we scavenged in the arroyoh. Warning- the aged snow birds of Tucson will think you are up to no good and a young hooligan if you wander around picking up seed pods. Just try it, it will be worth the entertainment to see the worried looks on their faces. Here is some of our loot:Grandma and I with her freshly made wreath

Brisk and Beautiful- Catalina Hike
Aunt Dede and I both love to hike, and despite her sore knee, we set out on the most beautiful hike I've ever been on in Arizona. I've hiked the Catalinas before, but never with such lush vegetation and flowing water.
Usually this hike is a dry stream bed, or a trickle at most. Due to the unusually high rainfall, the stream was gurgling in full force and washed over our trail at various spots.
We scampered like little mountain goats over widely spaced rocks to keep our feet dry.
Even so, in an attempt to capture the perfect picture, Aunt Dede ended up with soggy feet. Revealing my true nature, instead of being concerned, I almost wet my pants giggling. Good thing she already bought me my Christmas present...
A beautiful old tree against the crisp, clear sky
A crazy old saguaro , look at this growth! Apparently these deformed cacti are in very high demand, and people will come steal them from the desert. Therefore, in attempts to thwart all you cactus thieves out there, this location will be kept secret!

Can you believe how beautiful this hike was? Seriously, it was unreal and so awe inspiring. One of those experiences that was so beautiful as to inspire thoughts deep thoughts and contemplation.
I loved my time in Arizona with my aunt and grandma. Definitely one of the most special Christmas gifts I got this year!

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